The F.N.K. has been founded on November 8th, 2000.
About the FNK - Federation of Dutch Independent Cat Clubs:
In the Netherlands there are currently 10 full registering cat organisations.
Worldwide the Cat Fancy knows the following governing bodies:
TICA and CFA in USA, FIFe, GCCF, LOOF and WCF. One Dutch Cat organisation is
affiliated to the TICA, two to the Fife. Which leaves 7 organisations, those
are called the independents. These 7 independent organisations are affiliated to
the FNK. Each affiliated club has one representative as a committee member of
the FNK.
The Federation is a governing body. Individual breeders cannot contact
the FNK themselves.
When breeders have an important issue regarding the Cat Fancy, they have to
contact their own club first, which then can put the item on the agenda of an
FNK meeting.
Accomplishments of the FNK until now:
The FNK is an active member of the meetings of the Cat Workgroup at the Platform Verantwoord Huisdierenbezit.
The members of the affliated clubs are being kept informed about all important FNK decisions by press releases.